Where is abortion most concentrated?

The issue of abortion stands as a profound global moral crisis, carrying significant consequences for human life and the fabric of societies worldwide. For an organization like PassionLife, pinpointing the geographical areas with the highest concentrations of abortion is not merely an intellectual pursuit but a fundamental aspect of our strategic framework and the effective deployment of our resources. As we consider the enormity of this challenge beyond the borders of the United States, the necessity of data to guide our efforts becomes paramount. Indeed, in a vast world grappling with this immense moral crisis, employing strategic thinking grounded in reliable data allows us to prioritize our work and maximize our impact with limited resources. This article aims to explore the regions of the globe where abortion is most concentrated, drawing on our organizational insights and highlighting the data-driven strategies we employ to address this critical issue.

The Foundational Role of Data in Strategic Action

To effectively confront a global crisis of the magnitude of abortion, a robust, data-informed strategy is indispensable. At PassionLife, we firmly believe in the power of data to shape our strategic decisions, recognizing that in a world facing such a widespread moral crisis with finite resources, a thoughtful and data-driven approach is essential to prioritize our areas of focus. To this end, we consult various sources of global data, including the Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood, the CDC, and the United Nations. While these sources offer valuable insights, we find the data compiled by the Johnston Archive, presented in their “Abortion Worldwide” report, to be particularly reliable. This archive, maintained by dedicated “numbers guys” and scientists who track abortion as a worldwide moral crisis alongside other significant global issues, provides a crucial data foundation for the work that needs to be done in the name of life. We acknowledge that the collection of global abortion data is not without its challenges; some countries may not report their statistics regularly, and estimations are sometimes necessary. However, by cross-referencing the data from the Johnston Archive with information from other sources like Gutmacher and the UN, we can discern general patterns with greater confidence.

Furthermore, a nuanced understanding of the different metrics used to measure abortion prevalence is vital. These include the abortion rate, the abortion average, and the abortion ratio. The abortion rate indicates the number of abortions per 1,000 women in their childbearing years, typically defined as 15 to 39 years old. This is the metric most commonly used by statisticians worldwide. The abortion average answers the question of what percentage of pregnant women have an abortion. Lastly, the abortion ratio refers to the number of abortions for every 1,000 live births. Using Romania as a case study, our data reveals an abortion average of nearly 22%, meaning almost 22 out of every 100 pregnancies end in abortion, and an abortion ratio of 278. These varying measures offer different perspectives on the prevalence of abortion and help us identify the “hot zones” where intervention is most urgently needed. While we remain open to opportunities guided by the Holy Spirit, as alluded to earlier, we also recognize the strategic wisdom exemplified by figures like the Apostle Paul, who intentionally sought to minister in areas where Christ was not yet known, maximizing the impact for the Kingdom. Our data-driven approach aligns with this principle of strategic engagement in areas of greatest need.

Unveiling the Global “Hot Zones” of Abortion

Our analysis of global abortion data has illuminated three primary geographical regions, or “hot zones,” where abortion rates are alarmingly high, demanding our focused attention and strategic interventions:

  • Asia: This vast continent emerges as a critical area of concern due to a confluence of high abortion rates and immense population sizes. Countries such as China, North and South Korea, Japan, India, and Vietnam consistently appear with high abortion rates. Tragically, this region is also where gendercide, the abortion or infanticide of babies based on their gender, predominantly female in our time, is heavily concentrated due to prevailing cultural preferences for male children. The sheer volume of abortions in Asia is staggering; remarkably, the combined population within this identified region is approximately twice that of the rest of the world. This immense scale of the crisis underscores our strategic prioritization of Asia in our mission efforts. Furthermore, this geographical area significantly overlaps with the 10/40 window, a region known for its high concentration of spiritual lostness, the lowest numbers of Christians, and the most intense persecution of Christians. This convergence of profound spiritual need and high abortion rates solidifies Asia as a pivotal mission field for an organization dedicated to both the sanctity of pre-born life and the propagation of the Gospel. The powerful story from Vietnam, where a woman scheduled for an abortion attended one of our training sessions, received immediate support from the local Christian community, and ultimately chose life, beautifully illustrates the transformative potential of our ministry in this region. The subsequent enthusiasm of the Vietnamese church to establish pro-life ethics and pregnancy intervention ministries throughout the country further highlights the receptiveness and potential for lasting impact in certain parts of Asia.
  • Eastern Europe: The second significant “hot zone” we have identified is Eastern Europe, encompassing nations such as Russia, Romania, Estonia, and the Czech Republic. Interestingly, the response to pro-life initiatives in this region has generally been more “muted” compared to the enthusiastic reception we have often witnessed in Asia. Several factors likely contribute to this difference. Firstly, Eastern Europe is largely considered a “post-Christian” region, where the influence of the church has been significantly diminished by the advance of secular ideologies that often frame abortion as a fundamental reproductive right for women. Furthermore, the enduring legacy of the Soviet Union and its communist regimes plays a crucial role. Under these systems, individuals were frequently viewed as mere instruments to achieve state objectives, and policies regarding issues like abortion were driven by pragmatic considerations rather than inherent moral or human value. Notably, the USSR was the first nation in the modern era to legalize abortion, while in Romania, abortion was later outlawed under a dictatorship seeking to increase the population for its army and industries. This historical context has contributed to a cultural landscape where high rates of abortion persist, underscoring the pressing need for the church in Eastern Europe to “rise up and get organized around the concept of crisis intervention strategies”.
  • Latin America (especially the Caribbean): The third major area drawing our attention as a “hot zone” is Latin America, with a particularly high concentration of abortion rates in the Caribbean. This reality often surprises observers who might expect a strong pro-life stance throughout Latin America due to the historical influence of Catholicism. However, Cuba stands out as having historically maintained one of the highest abortion rates globally, especially when considering countries with substantial populations. This may be partly attributed to the prolonged repression of religion under communist rule in Cuba, which paradoxically allowed Protestant denominations to gain a more prominent presence after restrictions were eased. Additionally, widespread poverty and a pervasive sense of hopelessness stemming from decades of economic hardship under the Cuban government likely contribute to the high abortion rates. While the Caribbean exhibits particularly high abortion density, the situation across mainland Latin America is more varied. In some parts of Latin America, pro-life laws remain in effect, and our efforts focus on equipping the local church to understand the critical importance of this issue and to actively defend these legal protections before they are lost, as tragically occurred in Colombia despite our initial engagement. Our visual map clearly indicates that while the Caribbean is a significant “hot spot,” substantial regions of mainland Latin America, along with large parts of Africa and the predominantly Muslim nations of the Middle East, generally exhibit more conservative stances and lower abortion rates, although abortion does still occur. Interestingly, we have also observed a recurring pattern of high abortion rates in island nations across the globe, although the specific underlying reasons for this trend warrant further investigation.

Our Strategic Response and Urgent Call to Action

The identification of these critical “hot zones” directly informs the strategic priorities of PassionLife. Our approach extends beyond merely addressing the immediate crisis of abortion; we are committed to fostering long-term transformation through genuine partnerships with local churches and a comprehensive ministry model that integrates the rescue of innocent pre-born lives with the transformative message of the Gospel. As we firmly believe, there is no dichotomy between being pro-life and being an evangelist; rather, engaging with individuals facing an abortion decision provides a natural and powerful opportunity to share the source of our hope and the grace of God. Our work in these concentrated areas is focused on equipping local believers to become effective agents of change within their own communities, acting as “an army of good Samaritans” to support vulnerable women and protect unborn children.

Given that the United States accounts for only approximately 3% of all abortions worldwide, we recognize that 97% of this global moral crisis constitutes a significant world missions challenge. Therefore, we issue a heartfelt invitation to individuals and churches to “start thinking outside the border” and to partner with PassionLife in our endeavor to send our teams and empower indigenous leaders within these critical “hot zones” across the globe. If you desire to be part of a mission where your involvement is truly needed and where you can tangibly measure your impact, we urge you to join us in reaching those areas of greatest need. We also encourage you to visit our website at PassionLife.org and consider downloading our booklet titled “The Moral Crisis of Abortion and World Missions: What’s the Connection?” This resource offers valuable insights into the intrinsic link between our passion for global missions and our unwavering commitment to the sanctity of human life and its protection. As you engage with this information, we hope you will be moved to pray alongside us for our partners and friends in countries like Cuba, China, and Vietnam, and in all the other “hot zones,” that they will rise up with courage and compassion to champion the cause of life. In many of these nations, abortion is not primarily a political issue but a deeply ingrained societal reality that requires a concerted effort to help people choose life and learn to trust God for their daily provision.


The global distribution of abortion reveals significant areas of concentration that demand a strategic, data-informed, and deeply compassionate response. Through the careful analysis of data from sources like the Johnston Archive, PassionLife has identified Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America (particularly the Caribbean) as critical “hot zones” where abortion rates present an urgent crisis. Understanding the diverse factors that contribute to these concentrations, ranging from cultural dynamics and population density in Asia to the historical legacies and secularizing influences in Eastern Europe, and the complex interplay of socio-economic and religious factors in Latin America, is essential for developing effective and culturally sensitive intervention strategies. By prioritizing data-driven decision-making, cultivating authentic partnerships with local churches, and integrating the defense of pre-born life with the transformative power of the Gospel, PassionLife remains steadfast in our commitment to address this global moral crisis in the regions of greatest need, working tirelessly towards a world where both innocent lives are protected and hearts are transformed by the boundless love and grace of Christ.

This article is adapted from the episode transcript.