What is God’s attitude then towards procreation, children, and family?

What is God’s attitude then towards procreation, children, and family?

God highly esteems children and family, calling his commission to reproduce a blessing.

  • “And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (Gn 1:28).
  • “The esteem in which children were held in ancient Israel…can be attributed to several factors and convictions: (1) the belief that every human being is created in the image of God (Gn 1:27, Ps 8); (2) the view that children ensure the perpetuation of humanity and the fulfillment of the divine mandate to subdue and cultivate the earth (Gn 1:26, 5:1f, 9:18-19); (3) the notion that the conception of children was ultimately a product of divine action and hence a sign of God’s favor (with the corollary that barrenness was a sign of divine disfavor); (4) the valuing of children as an important economic asset; (5) the belief that in a sense parents live on in and through their children (hence one’s worse fate was for one’s “seed” to be cut off and one’s name to be blotted out; cf 1 Sm 24:21, 2 Sm 14:7, Ps 37:28, Isa 14:20-21).” —Andreas J. Köstenberger, God, Marriage and Family, 99.