What are some of the implications of human life created in the image of God?

What are some of the implications of human life created in the image of God?
  • Every human being is of inestimable worth and significance in all its stages.
  • There is a common unity/equality of value between all peoples. Act 17:26
  • It is right to acknowledge natural rights which are endowed to every human being. Pr 29:7
  • To curse or hate other people or groups of people is to attack God, their Creator. Jm 3:9
  • To help the weak is to honor God. Pr 14:31
  • There is no favoritism in God in dealing with different people/peoples. Act 10:34
  • There is no natural or true racial inferiority or superiority.
  • It is necessary to defend the natural rights of the poor, the afflicted, and the powerless because they are the first to have their rights abridged and they cannot defend themselves. Pr 31:8-9
  • The intrinsic, equal, and exceptional value of human life is the motivating principle for all works of justice and mercy done for the weak, powerless and oppressed. Job 29:12-17; 30:13-15