How does the Bible define life?

How does the Bible define life?
  1. God is life:
  • “Whoever finds me finds life” (Pr 8:35).
  • “He is the breath of life” (Gn 2:7).
  • “He is your life” (Dt 30:20).
  1. God gives life:
  • “In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:10).
  1. God cherishes life:
  • He is the upholder of life in Ps 54:4.
  • He is the preserver of life in Gn 45:5.
  • He is the keeper of life in Ps 121:7.
  • He is the fountain of life in Pr 14:27.
  • He is the redeemer of life in Ps 72:14.
  1. The gift of Christ is the gift of life:
  • Jesus is called the light of life in Jn 8:12.
  • Jesus is the abundance of life Jn 10:10.
  • Jesus is everlasting life in Jn 3:16.
  1. The gospel of Christ is a gospel of life:
  • “For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ…an aroma that brings life” (2 Co 2:16).