Storming the Stronghold of India

The question of where we are most needed has driven the mission of PassionLife. This question has led us to consider where abortion, infanticide, and gendercide are most concentrated in the world. By examining worldwide data, we have identified three key areas where our mission is focused: the Caribbean, the former USSR countries, and Asia. While we have been active in all of these regions, today, I want to focus on our renewed efforts in India.

Our mission field is largely concentrated in three areas:

  • The Caribbean, particularly Cuba, has historically had the highest rate of abortion per capita.
  • The former USSR countries, including the Czech Republic, Russia, and Romania, are another region where abortion rates are high.
  • Asia, encompassing China, India, Japan, Vietnam, and Korea, is the third area where abortion, infanticide, and gendercide are exceptionally high.

India, in particular, has become a focal point for our work. India is now the most populated country in the world, having surpassed China in 2023. This massive country has a particularly high concentration of abortion, infanticide, and gendercide, largely due to a preference for male children. This is especially pronounced in the northern part of India, where baby girls are particularly targeted.

The Current Situation in India

India is not only the most populated country but also the largest democratic nation in the world. However, despite its democratic framework, India faces significant challenges. The government’s Hindu nationalist stance has led to violence and persecution against non-Hindus, especially Christians, primarily in the northern regions. Radical Hindu groups have been responsible for attacks and killings of Christians throughout India.

Another significant issue is the pervasive caste system, which is antithetical to the Christian worldview that all humans have intrinsic, equal, and exceptional value. The caste system creates a hierarchy of human value, where some are considered more valuable than others, with boys generally considered more valuable than girls. This has led to a surge in infanticide and gendercide in the country.

The targeting of girls is a serious concern. We are aware that when we begin to place ultrasounds in medical clinics, we must be very careful to ensure that these tools are not used to target girls, but rather to save the lives of children. The social issues that arise from the abandonment of children are particularly heartbreaking. In China alone there are 35 million orphans, 11 million of whom are abandoned and living on their own. Most of these abandoned children are girls and they are particularly vulnerable to sexual abuse and enslavement. It is easy to ask, “why save more babies if there are so many orphans?” but the answer is that we don’t solve social problems by killing people. The answer is to provide resources to rescue those in need.

Christian Ministries and Our Role

It’s important to recognize that there are many Christian ministries working in India to address various aspects of these issues. These include fighting for women’s rights, caring for widows and orphans, addressing the impacts of the caste system, and advocating for labor laws. There are many orphanages, outreach programs, and seminaries throughout India. While Christianity has made progress over the last few hundred years, particularly in the south, our focus is primarily in the north, where the challenges are greater. This is where the need is the most significant in terms of children surviving abortion, infanticide, and gendercide.

Our team at PassionLife is not satisfied with the efforts we’ve made so far in India, and we aim to double, triple, and quadruple our efforts over the next one to two years. We are returning to India in a matter of days with a team that includes Mark Nicholson, Jeannie Pernia, and Pastor Amit Paul. Jeannie Perernia will be sharing her testimony of experiencing abortion and God’s forgiveness, highlighting her 18 years of work in the rescue movement for mothers and babies. Pastor Amit Paul has been a pioneer in our work and we will be working closely with him.

Our Strategy

Our team will be meeting with various leaders and pastoral groups to develop a rapidly reproducing and multiplying strategy for more parts of India. To achieve this, we need to:

  • Identify and support more key leaders.
  • Get fetal models to India.
  • Make connections and collaborate with those already doing this work.

We acknowledge that there are many questions we don’t yet know the answers to. Therefore, we invite you to join the millions of people praying for the cause of Christ throughout the world. Please specifically pray for our partnership with what God is doing in India and for an end to the child-killing institutions that plague that great nation. Can we storm that stronghold with the gospel of life? I believe we can, and I believe it’s worth the try.

We have made progress over the past several years, but our goal is to raise up effective, rapidly multiplying armies of good Samaritans, particularly in the north of India. Our focus is to rescue baby girls, and we are working towards promoting the sanctity of human life in the womb, which will lead to caring for all the abandoned and broken individuals that society seeks to discard. We are not just building an army to save the unborn, but to rescue human beings wherever they fall on the continuum of need, beginning with the moral crisis of abortion.

Call to Action

India is a stronghold for child killing, and we are determined to do our part to storm that stronghold by the power of God’s grace and love. We invite you to join us in this mission through prayer and by following our work. Please go to our website and sign up to receive text message updates.

This article is adapted from the episode transcript.