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The -Easiest- Command to Follow

The -Easiest- Command to Follow

There’s a biblical command that says each one of us should be fully convinced in his own mind. That sounds like a really easy command to follow since we always think our opinions are correct. But in context this is a tough command to follow because its talking about following our conscience. And failure means people will knock the stuffing out of us.

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A Tragic Loss

A Tragic Loss

We’re deeply saddened to inform you of the death of David Nicholson, son of our Executive Director, Mark Nicholson, and his wife, Dana.

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It is NOT well with my soul…

It is NOT well with my soul…

The hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” is many people’s favorite hymn including mine. Unfortunately, Horatio Spafford failed to live according to the beauty of the hymn. Ultimately, he abandoned the historic faith and falling unto the love of money.

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The Unseen Middle

The Unseen Middle

We tend to think on two planes: the natural world and the afterlife. But many cultures prioritize thinking of an unseen world between the two.

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T.F.R. Explained

T.F.R. Explained

Looking at total fertility rates around the world demonstrates the unfolding culture of death and why it is vital for Christians to uphold the Gospel of Life starting with a courageous commitment to welcoming children into our families.

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