My Phone Is Blowing Up

As someone deeply involved in mission work, I’ve observed a recurring challenge: the effective communication between our organization, Passion Life, its global endeavors, and our dedicated donors and followers. The sheer volume of information поступающих from the field makes it difficult to keep everyone, including my own staff, fully informed of the latest developments. My phone is a constant stream of updates from around the world.

The Deluge of Daily Updates

The reality is, I spend a significant portion of my day sifting through messages on my phone, particularly on WhatsApp groups, to stay abreast of the latest happenings. These messages come from various parts of the world, detailing new developments in our ministry. For instance, recently I was looking at a WhatsApp group from Eastern Cuba, and since January 1, 2025, there have been six or seven babies born through the ministry in just one town. This is an astounding achievement, considering the work involved.

These are women who go house to house counseling women who are pregnant, and a certain number of them are determining to keep their pregnancies rather than have an abortion. These babies are being born months after they’ve been rescued from the threat of abortion.

Stories Told in Pictures

Often, these messages include pictures that tell a powerful story. Even though many of the messages are in Spanish, which I don’t speak, the visuals convey the essence of the work being done. These are stories of mothers in desperate situations who received timely help.

One particular picture showed a mother with her child, who was about a year and a half old, at a distribution event. Christian women from the area had gathered resources to provide essential items like cereal, formula, and clothing to these mothers. In a place like Cuba, where food is rationed and shortages are common, this kind of support is invaluable, especially for single mothers struggling to provide for their children.

This act of providing for mothers and babies directly refutes the criticism that the pro-life movement is only concerned with birth and not with the well-being of children after they are born. The dedication and continued support provided by these Christian communities demonstrate a genuine commitment to life at all stages.

Pregnancy Centers: Beacons of Hope

The images also reveal the establishment of pregnancy help centers, often set up in modest locations like apartment buildings. These centers offer a safe space for women to receive counseling, attend classes on pregnancy and childbirth, and share their experiences.

One image depicted a woman who had faced a crisis pregnancy a couple of years prior. With the support of Christians, she chose to keep her baby and was now celebrating her new pregnancy with the same community that had once helped her through a difficult time.

Global Network of Support

I am part of several WhatsApp groups from Latin America, India, and Africa. Often, after training, people organize themselves into pro-life work and create a WhatsApp group, including me or another teacher so we can keep up with what’s going on.

The constant stream of messages, sometimes arriving at all hours, serves as a reminder of the impact being made around the world. Lives are being changed, babies are being saved, people are finding faith in Christ, churches are being strengthened, and pastors are gaining courage. Additionally, hungry people are being fed by Christians who are serving one another.

An Invitation to Partner

While it’s impossible to share every detail of the ongoing work, I encourage you to stay connected with Passion Life. Sign up for our emails and text messages, and continue to support our mission financially. If you’re already a donor, consider increasing your contribution, as our work is expanding rapidly.

Your partnership plays a vital role in the story that unfolds on my phone every day. Thank you for standing with us in this important mission.

This article is adapted from the episode transcript.