Merry Christmas from PassionLife

For many in America, Christmas is celebrated throughout December. The month is filled with parties, gift exchanges, and the ever-present Christmas carols on the radio. However, the traditional Christian liturgical calendar observes Advent, a season of waiting and patience, in the lead-up to Christmas.

Advent is not a time of unrestrained joy and excitement. It is a season of reflection and anticipation, acknowledging the darkness of the world as we await the coming of the Savior. Christmas Day marks the beginning of a 12-day celebration, a time to truly revel in the wonder of the incarnation.

We at PassionLife wish you the merriest of Christmas seasons. We pray that this time brings you peace, celebration, and an opportunity to expand your food and wine budget in honor of God’s gift to us. Christmas provides a wonderful opportunity to gather with family and friends, celebrating the joy of the season.

Beyond the festivities, we encourage you to marvel at the mystery of the incarnation. No other religious leader humbled themselves to take on human flesh and meet us where we are. This Christmas season, let us continue to celebrate the love of God, the peace of Christ, and the joy of the Holy Spirit. We are thankful for your partnership in ministry and your commitment to fighting for life. May your Christmas be filled with blessings and the wonder of the incarnation. We love you.

This article is adapted from the episode transcript.