Host a “Storming the Strongholds” dessert in your living room!
“Storming the Strongholds” is your way of introducing PassionLife to others.
How does it work? You simply host a highly relational evening in your living room, invite a few friends, and put out desserts. We’ll do the rest.
Host a “Storming the Strongholds” dessert in your living room!
“Storming the Strongholds” is your way of introducing PassionLife to others. How does it work? You simply host a highly relational evening in your living room, invite a few friends, and put out desserts. We’ll do the rest.
You Invite
You Invite
One of the best ways for you to rescue the innocent in the hardest places on earth is to invite others to join us in the “Great Work”—to hear of the challenges and the opportunities to save lives in Vietnam and Cuba and other places where the dark strongholds of abortion and infanticide are concentrated.
- Invite ten, fifteen, or even twenty friends!
- Consider asking your Sunday School groups, church small group, friends from the neighborhood, Bible study acquaintances, coworkers… anyone who may not know that 97% of worldwide annual abortion is outside the USA, making prolife pregnancy help ministry a World Missions Challenge.
- The most important thing is not the numbers—it’s the friend-raising opportunity you are providing PassionLife.
- Your friends will learn first-hand why you love this mission.

Bring friends into the fellowship of your home. Introduce them to prolife
work as world missions. Let them see where they can make a life-saving impact,
in a life-changing way, in the hardest places.
We’ll Do the Rest
We’ll Do the rest
One of our Executive leaders (John Ensor, Mark Nicholson, or Tammy De Armas) will join you, in person, at your home. Because a Storming the Strongholds event is informal and small, your friends can ask questions and form their own relationship with PassionLife’s leaders.
- These evenings are designed to be captivating and encouraging. We will show pictures (we’ll connect our computer to your TV) and tell stories of this ministry’s life-saving impact.
- Your circle of friends will learn where abortion, infanticide, and gendercide have the strongest hold in the world today, and the various strategies to break in and break down (“storm”) those strongholds.
- They’ll learn how they too can be part of advancing the Gospel of Life in the neediest places, and hear about the ups and downs of sharing the gospel and rescuing the most vulnerable in other countries and cultures.
- At the end of the evening we’ll invite your guests to consider if God is calling them to join with you and PassionLife through prayer, finances or other means.
To get started on scheduling and hosting a “Storming the Strongholds” dessert in your home, click below to contact Sara Minard.

Let’s venture into the world’s darkest corners to storm the strongholds together!