by John Ensor | Jul 1, 2024 | Biblical Insights on Abortion, Biblical Thinking, Culture, John, podcast, video
International Children’s Day is celebrated worldwide on various dates, with China, Colombia, and India observing it on June 1st, April 27th, and November 14th, respectively. Christians should use this holiday to promote the value of children from a Biblical perspective, similar to how early Christians redefined the pagan winter solstice festival into Christmas.
by John Ensor | Jun 24, 2024 | Biblical Insights on Abortion, Biblical Thinking, Culture, John, podcast, video
My thoughts on the two year prison sentence for two friends of mine, Jean Marshall and Paulette Harlow, for trying to rescue babies from abortion.
by John Ensor | Jun 17, 2024 | Biblical Insights on Abortion, Biblical Thinking, Culture, John, podcast, video
Rescuing the innocent is a part of the history of Africa.
by John Ensor | Jun 10, 2024 | Biblical Insights on Abortion, Biblical Thinking, Culture, John, podcast, video
Ottobah Cugoano wrote a book called Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil of Slavery that also teaches us why we need to abolish abortion today.
by John Ensor | Jun 3, 2024 | Biblical Insights on Abortion, Biblical Thinking, Culture, John, podcast, video
John welcomes his daughter, son-in-law, and twin grandbabies to the podcast for an episode that explores the intricacies of IVF technology and the beauty of embryo adoption.
by John Ensor | May 27, 2024 | Biblical Insights on Abortion, Biblical Thinking, Culture, John, podcast, video
Godly women wait to be woo’d and Godly men need to get to it right merrily!