Blessings on your New Year

The new year is upon us, and with it comes a time of renewal and recommitment. We’ve just enjoyed the blessings of rest and relaxation with family and friends over the Christmas holiday. As we step into this new year, it’s a time to celebrate not only the birth of Christ, but also this fresh start—a time for recommitment, resolutions, and seeking God’s blessing in all we do.

While many make New Year’s resolutions, focusing on self-improvement through weight loss or exercise, we often see these resolutions fall apart before February arrives. This year, let’s shift our focus. Instead of relying solely on our own strength, let’s ask for the Lord’s blessing to guide us toward achieving the goals we set for His glory. May He bless our families, the work we do, our ministries, and our partnerships.

This new year is bursting with opportunities to serve and spread the message of life. Exciting plans are already underway for travel and ministry expansion. There are hopes to return to India and China, perhaps even twice this year. Further work in Vietnam is anticipated, along with exploration into new areas of South Asia.

For those with connections in South Asia—missionaries, pastors, or Christians willing to engage with pro-life efforts—your input is valuable. Our ministry thrives on networks and relationships, so please share any connections you have in this region.

Expansion into Europe is also a priority. The hope is to be working in Spain by summer and to begin establishing more pro-life work in Eastern Europe, a region with a tragically high abortion rate. If you have connections in Eastern Europe, particularly those who might be interested in partnering with this ministry, please reach out.

The work in Latin America is truly inspiring. The dedication and passion of the teams there are remarkable, and God is opening doors throughout the region. In just the last couple of years, we’ve been able to bring the message of life to 26 of the 33 countries in Central and South America.

As we move into this new year, let’s cover these ongoing efforts in prayer. Pray for continued growth and influence in the countries where work has already begun. Pray also for open doors and opportunities to reach the remaining seven countries in Latin America. The goal is to see the message of life spread and take root throughout this region.

From all of us—the staff, the board, our overseas partners, and everyone working to advance the cause of life—we wish you a blessed 2025. May this year be filled with the joy and peace of walking in the council of the Lord. May you experience the incredible blessing of partnering with the Holy Spirit as He moves in your life and your sphere of influence.

We deeply appreciate your partnership and support. Please pray for us as we continue to develop strategic plans to advance the Kingdom and glorify Jesus Christ through this life-giving ministry. May God richly bless you in this new year.

This article is adapted from the episode transcript.