Become an Ambassador
What is a PassionLife Ambassador?
A special partner who introduces PassionLife to their friends,
family and personal spheres of influence.
PassionLife is people like you spreading the Gospel of Life to the neediest places on earth. Some focus on prayer and financial support. Others go to hard places like Cuba, China and Vietnam to teach and train. And some especially want to introduce PassionLife to their friends, family and personal spheres of influence. These special partners are PassionLife Ambassadors.
If you are excited to introduce PassionLife to others and strengthen our global impact, we are committed to helping you do that in a variety of simple and effective ways.
Are YOU ready to become a PassionLife Ambassador?
Here are 8 different opportunities:
#1 Host
a Storm the Strongholds
Fireside Chat
One of the most critical ways to serve as a PassionLife Ambassador is to host a Storm the Strongholds Fireside Chat. This means inviting 10-12 people to your home for a brief presentation and a chance to get to know in a personal way PassionLife’s key leaders.
We’ll share about the hardest places on earth—where abortion, infanticide and gendercide are most concentrated—and how your guests can storm these strongholds with the Gospel of Life. We’ll help you plan an enjoyable, informative and successful Chat.
#1 Host
a Storm the Strongholds
Fireside Chat
One of the most critical ways to serve as a PassionLife Ambassador is to host a Storm the Strongholds Fireside Chat. This means inviting 10-12 people to your home for a brief presentation and a chance to get to know in a personal way PassionLife’s key leaders.
We’ll share about the hardest places on earth—where abortion, infanticide and gendercide are most concentrated—and how your guests can storm these strongholds with the Gospel of Life. We’ll help you plan an enjoyable, informative and successful Chat.
Missions-minded churches look for high impact opportunities to spread the gospel. Introduce them to PassionLife!
Arrange a time for PassionLife’s leaders to explain our hear it, obey it, share it approach in China, Vietnam, Cuba and other hard places. Your church may choose to partner with PassionLife through their missions program or a special event.
#2 Develop
a church/missions partnership
a church/missions partnership
Missions-minded churches look for high impact opportunities to spread the gospel. Introduce them to PassionLife!
Arrange a time for PassionLife’s leaders to explain our hear it, obey it, share it approach in China, Vietnam, Cuba and other hard places. Your church may choose to partner with PassionLife through their missions program or a special event.
#3 Stand
in the gap
Pray for our teams as we enter the strongholds of abortion around the world and work to ignite a prolife movement. Intercessory prayer is the lifeblood of this mission—after all, this battle is against “the spiritual forces of evil” (Eph. 6:12).
Sign up for PassionLife email/text updates so you receive regular news and prayer requests.
in the gap
Pray for our teams as we enter the strongholds of abortion around the world and work to ignite a prolife movement. Intercessory prayer is the lifeblood of this mission—after all, this battle is against “the spiritual forces of evil” (Eph. 6:12).
Sign up for PassionLife email/text updates so you receive regular news and prayer requests.
Arrange to bring the same Gospel of Life training we use around the world to your own church or community of churches.
The training, called The 4 Questions, answers the crisis of abortion with the Gospel of Life. Everywhere people study these 4 questions, they produce a Biblically-informed
passion to:
Treasure human life.
Reject abortion as child-killing.
Proclaim forgiveness and freedom.
rescue mothers and babies.
#4 Organize
a 4 Questions training
at your church
a 4 Questions training at your church
Arrange to bring the same Gospel of Life training we use around the world to your own church or community of churches.
The training, called The 4 Questions, answers the crisis of abortion with the Gospel of Life. Everywhere people study these 4 questions, they produce a Biblically-informed
passion to:
Treasure human life.
Reject abortion as child-killing.
Proclaim forgiveness and freedom.
rescue mothers and babies.
#5 Connect
local businesses
If you know of a business interested in sponsoring a prolife charity, connect them to us. We’ll work with them to design an appropriate strategy for their business.
You may be part of a small group or Sunday school class that would be excited to partner with PassionLife if they knew more about us.
We’ll provide you with a pictorial presentation on how local Christians are partnering with Christians around the world to rescue the innocent and bring the Good News to the guilty. We’ll provide occasional prayer updates on the challenges and breakthroughs we experience.
#6 Mobilize
your small group/
Sunday school class
local businesses
If you know of a business interested in sponsoring a prolife charity, connect them to us. We’ll work with them to design an appropriate strategy for their business.
your small group/Sunday school class
You may be part of a small group or Sunday school class that would be excited to partner with PassionLife if they knew more about us.
We’ll provide you with a pictorial presentation on how local Christians are partnering with Christians around the world to rescue the innocent and bring the Good News to the guilty. We’ll provide occasional prayer updates on the challenges and breakthroughs we experience.
#7 Gather
a regional group
Gather a group of friends and family in your community for a regional fundraising celebration. Our special speakers and “against all odds” stories will thrill your guests and deepen their interest in PassionLife.
a regional group
Gather a group of friends and family in your community for a regional fundraising celebration. Our special speakers and “against all odds” stories will thrill your guests and deepen their interest in PassionLife.
Expand the PassionLife Fellowship in your state by sharing with churches, pregnancy help organizations, and the prolife community about partnering with PassionLife. We’ll help you set up trainings for groups you’ve gathered and cast the vision of expanding prolife ministry into prolife missions. Our goal is to have Ambassadors in all 50 states!
#8 Rally
your state
your state
Expand the PassionLife Fellowship in your state by sharing with churches, pregnancy help organizations, and the prolife community about partnering with PassionLife. We’ll help you set up trainings for groups you’ve gathered and cast the vision of expanding prolife ministry into prolife missions. Our goal is to have Ambassadors in all 50 states!
Pick the opportunity that resonates with you and we’ll help
you become a PassionLife Ambassador!

Tammy De Armas
Director of Mission Advancement
(760) 212-2197
Pick the opportunity that resonates with you and we’ll help you become a PassionLife Ambassador!

Tammy De Armas
Director of Mission Advancement
(760) 212-2197

Sara Minard
Assistant of Mission Advancement
(513) 550-9104
Other Ways to Get Involved