by Mark Nicholson | Oct 25, 2023 | Biblical Insights on Abortion, Biblical Thinking, Culture, podcast, video
In the Crosshairs By Mark Nicholson Passion Life works in the areas of the world where abortion rates as well as infanticide and gendercide rates are the very highest. I spent a portion of this week planning a trip to Ecuador in South America. Ecuador is hostile...
by Mark Nicholson | Oct 18, 2023 | Biblical Insights on Abortion, Biblical Thinking, Culture, podcast, video
Connect with your local Pregnancy help center By Mark Nicholson People often ask me, “What does PassionLife do in the United States?” We are a missions organization. We work all around the world. We work with churches in some far reaching places, but what do we do in...
by Mark Nicholson | Oct 11, 2023 | Biblical Insights on Abortion, Biblical Thinking, Culture, podcast, video
Abortion is not in the Bible! By Mark Nicholson The Bible doesn’t even mention abortion. How many times have I heard people say the Bible doesn’t mention abortion? Therefore, we can assume that God doesn’t feel very strongly about it. And that we are...
by Mark Nicholson | Oct 4, 2023 | Biblical Insights on Abortion, Biblical Thinking, Culture, podcast, video
What does the Bible say about financial support? By Mark Nicholson I want to briefly discuss a very important mission’s topic with you today. And that is the topic of financial accountability and stewardship. When it comes to doing international missions, the way we...
by Mark Nicholson | Sep 27, 2023 | Biblical Insights on Abortion, Biblical Thinking, Culture, podcast, video
Host a Storming the Strongholds Event! By Mark Nicholson There is a means by which you can support and even expand the ministry scope of Passion Life that you probably have never thought of and that is by having one of the Passion Life stateside staff in your home for...