A Life Transformed
A Life Transformed
Jessie’s Story
The Moment of Crisis
Born in a small town in the eastern extreme of Cuba, Jessie, like most in this Communist country, experienced crushing poverty and lack of opportunity. This bleak outlook leads many Cubans to substance abuse, and young Jessie had become an alcoholic. When she found herself unexpectedly pregnant, the future looked unbearable.

Finding Hope and Help
Around that same time, PassionLife visited a church in Jessie’s small town and worked with church leaders to raise up an army of bold prolife Christians. Dr. Annia and a group of volunteers from the church organized a ministry to help women recover from the guilt and grief of abortion, and then go forth to rescue young mothers just like Jessie. They learned of Jessie’s situation and offered her hope and help in the midst of her despair.
Soplo de Vida
“Soplo de Vida” (Breath of Life), as the women called themselves, offered counsel and accurate scientific information about the life growing within. On the back porch of their church building they hosted classes to give new moms a pathway for being good mothers. Even after birth, Soplo de Vida helps new moms with ongoing education and opportunities to earn clothing and necessities for their newborns.

New Life in Christ
With such encouragement, Jessie’s despair gave way to hope that she could have her baby—God would provide. But that also required her to get her alcohol abuse under control. Soplo de Vida walked with her through that process. Eventually, in the context of the relationships she built at the church, Jessie met Christ as her Lord and Savior and was baptized.
Do you want to be a part of spreading the Gospel of Life in Cuba?
Learn more about the major initiative PassionLife already has underway
in Cuba and consider giving a gift to help advance this work.