5 Countries/3 weeks

Every time we get somewhere for the first time or reach a new mark at PassionLife, we like to stop and celebrate and thank God for it. Right now we are reaching another high mark at PassionLife that I want to share with you today. This is the first time in our 11 to 12 years of ministry that we’ve ever been out training in five different countries in a three and a half weeks time span. Between now and Thanksgiving, we are going to be in five different countries bringing the gospel of life to Christian leaders. Passion Life will be in Columbia, Brazil, Nepal, India and Romania.

Right now I have a team that’s in Brazil and they’re meeting with Christian leaders gathered together from 22 different Latin American countries. We are there to introduce ourselves to these key leaders who oversee the Baptist, Assembly of God, Foursquare and Presbyterian groups as well as several others who are allied with the evangelical churches in Latin America. We are there introducing our four questions to them and offering to come to their country in the years ahead.

I’m packing right now to head off to Romania, to the city of Cluj, where I’ll be speaking at a nationwide conference of Christian leaders. I’m going to be speaking three times there, including teaching our four questions on the gospel of life. The material provided that we’ll be handing out is in Romanian. Everywhere we go, we want to make sure that the material that we hand out are in the common language so that our people can take it and immediately teach it to other people. I’ll be off to Romania while we have a team in Brazil.

Meanwhile, Mark Nicholson is headed down to Colombia to do a training down there. From there, he goes directly to Nepal to teach the four questions in Nepal and then he’s going to go to India and meet up with our team there as well. In India, we have our four questions material in the languages of Hindi and Bengali. The four questions are now available in, I think, 28 different languages on our website.

The point is that by reducing everything to four questions and putting it into the common language of people, we are freeing people up to hear the Word of God, obey the Word of God, and immediately go out and share the Word. We encourage you to pray for us between now and Thanksgiving as we are out in these five different countries relying on God’s power and spirit to bring the gospel of life to these places.

It’s an exciting time, a high mark for PassionLife’s growth and development, and we encourage you to participate in any way that you feel led. Either by contributing, praying, or sharing the ministry of PassionLife with your home group, small group, friends, family, we could use all the help that we can get.

May God bless you.